Tuesday, May 28, 2013

And so we begin.

The post title is a bit misleading really. This blog is to record some of the things that we do as the kids learn and grow. The thing is that they've been engaged in learning since birth, and we're not only just beginning. The part that is just beginning is the part where I encourage some formal learning and record what we do, and the outcomes both good and bad. 

I'm a bit rubbish at record keeping. To put it bluntly, I hate it! However it's something that needs to be done especially in 1.5 years when Addie is required to be enrolled in school and the inspector wants to know what we've been doing. 

I would imagine that this blog will take more of an Instagram type format, so that I can record on the run. My hope is that is sustainable and adequate. Every so often I'll probably do a long waffling unnecessary post, and I'll probably give more people the link than I should because those are things that I tend to do.  

Lets get to it!

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